Industry Information

What is the difference between a game mouse and an office mouse?

2023-10-11 19:31:43 点讯通电子

I often hear a saying that there is no problem with using a game mouse for office work, but I think this is incorrect because the design ideas of game mice and office mice are very different, and in some situations, game mice cannot replace office mice. Most of the mice on the market are divided into office mice and game mice based on their performance and usage scenarios. The advantage of office mice is that they are relatively cheap, but their performance is low, and they advocate for quietness and practicality; Game mice are more expensive, but their advantages include stronger performance, better workmanship and materials, and a greater preference for gaming esports. Next, let's take a closer look at the specific differences between them. Since we want to talk about the differences, let's start with the core components of the mouse: mold, micro motion, and engine.